Month: December 2014

The Sin of Coffee and Cigarettes

‘Coffee and cigarettes are my only escape’ – sings ‘Never Shout Never’. Jim Jarmusch calls it ‘a magical combination’ and dedicate the whole movie to it. Coffee and cigarettes for relaxation, contemplation and salvation. Let’s spill the beans if this combination is working the same way in Japan.  

Mikael Jansson. Spanning Across All Genres

Everyone who has a deep interest in fashion knows that most of Japanese magazines represents a bad sense of fashion photography. The only magazine that most of the Japanese photographers I know rely on is Vogue Nippon. Fashion magazine that keeps very high quality of its fashion stories. At the time I went to Japan, I was so curious to compare European versions of Vogue and Japanese one. That’s where I discovered Mikael Jansson and his photo-shoot “As City Grows Dark”.

Timberyard to work and relax

It rarely happens that your laptop get smashed to the wheel while cycling. Oh well, it happened to me while making my way to Camden. One of those ‘what if” situations became reality. What if you did not have a computer? Now I know the answer. At least for a while you will be checking your mail on the small screen of your smart phone. Anyway, you get to the point where your salary is one month away and there is a crucial need to use a computer. London is stuffed with internet cafes but somehow I don’t feel like sitting surrounded by 15 years-olds playing their internet games and the noise of Bangladeshi chatting (in East London most of internet cafes belong to them).

Fashion in Motion with Yamamoto

Colourful and sometimes outrageous Kansai Yamamoto’s collection used to amaze fashion lovers in 70s and 80s. HIs designs as well as shows always combine culture with fashion and entertainment. Most well-known costumes for David Bowie in 1973 and spectacular shows have included his name in one of the greatest and iconic contemporary designers list of that time. Kansai Yamamoto launched his first collection in London in 1971. Later on it was called as ‘The Show of the Year… a spectacular coup de theatre’ and Yamamoto has became famous with his avant-garde designs on international scale.